Wednesday, April 18, 2012

10 Teaching Tips for Blogs

1.  Use the blog to store assignments
2.  Keep the blog up to date
3.  Make sure it is easy to navigate
4.  Don't make it too cluttered
5.  Have an easy to read design
6.  Have a blog just for the class and have a personal one for yourself (keep them separated)
7.  Check the blog often
8.  Make it visually pleasing
9.  Encourage students to make a blog and use as a journal
10.  Do not post personal information about the students

Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Teaching Tips for Video

1.      Make sure the lighting is right
2.      Make sure the sound is right
3.      Make sure the movie flows and has good transitions
4.      Make sure the music adds to the movie and does not distract from it
5.      Have it be fun, engaging and creative
6.      Have the content be relevant to the topic
7.      Use color to represent messages and convey themes
8.      No mumbling! Make sure language, word choice, etc. fit with the video
9.      When editing, don’t exclude main events
10.  Don’t be satisfied with the first take!!

A Broken Family Video Edit

10 Teaching Tips for Webquest

1.      Websites should correlate to the main topic
2.      Make your questions age appropriate
3.      Don’t make it too long or have too many websites
4.      Make it visually appealing
5.      Don’t make sure answers to questions are accessible
6.      Include instructions on navigating the webpages- clear and concise
7.      Make sure it is organized and has a flow
8.      Have a hard copy and a electronic copy available to the students
9.      Make sure you have an answer sheet
10.  Make sure it is fun and engaging

Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 Teaching Tips for Prezi

1. be aware of your zooming- motion
2. Don't over crowd your area- spacing
3. When you group stuff together make sure the following group correlates to the previous idea
4. Be aware of your color choices- contrast vs. complement
5. Don't give everything away at the start
6. When zooming don't have everything super spread apart - it might make people sick
7. Use the uploading feature for media to engage your audience
8. If you are making a prezi from a powerpoint use the main ideas but don't always upload the slides.
9. Be creative when using prezi, use your imagination
10. Have there be a set format and an overlaying theme.