Thursday, January 12, 2012

January Blizzard

This year started out with a blizzard of bad news. 

1. Andrew (Dylan’s little brother) was taken away from us by their unfit mother, and now we are trying to get custody of him. 
2.  Barb (Dylan’s Grandma) let us turn her basement into an apartment for Dylan and I.  We are now in construction from hell, and I cannot wait till it is over. 
3.  Barb went to the hospital with two massive blood clots in her lungs. 
4.  Dylan started his electrician apprenticeship (FINALLY)
5.  I started school, and am getting SLAMMED with homework and stress. 

And those are just the major events.  Hopefully, the rest of the year will be nice and mellow, but when is life ever really mellow.  As much as I want to be pessimistic about my situation, the only way I can get through this and grow as a person is to take on all the challenges I am given with a smile on my face and fire in my soul.  I hope all of your years have not been nearly as stressful, but if they have, we can get through this together!

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